Mission Statement
Provide facilities to interpret and preserve the settlement era and natural history of northeastern North Dakota.
The Northeastern North Dakota Heritage Association was formed in June 1986. The purpose of the organization was to build the Pioneer Heritage Center with interpretive exhibits that tell the Settlement Era Story from 1870-1920 of northeastern North Dakota. Their main goals are as follows:
- Develop a living history of pioneer life through the use of restored community buildings on the site of the Pioneer Heritage Center.
- Develop the Pioneer Heritage Center as a northeastern North Dakota educational and research facility for genealogy, settlement-era history, and natural history.
- Work in cooperation with the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department to attract tourism to northeastern North Dakota.
- Develop the Pioneer Heritage Center as a social and cultural meeting place for area people.
Membership in the Northeastern North Dakota Heritage Association is available for $15 per year or on a lifetime basis. Lifetime membership rates are based on age.
Current Projects
- Fundraising and researching for interactive displays for the Pioneer Heritage Center.
- Research & Exhibit Committee – ongoing fabrication of temporary displays.
- Landscaping Committee – ongoing planting in the landscaping around the Pioneer Heritage Center.
- Program Committee – Quarterly Sunday afternoon informational programs.
The Northeastern North Dakota Heritage Association is involved in many events each year including quarterly Sunday afternoon informational programs, annual Christmas open house, Saturday Night at the Hall in June, mini events with new temporary exhibits and the annual board members Christmas potluck.
- Monthly Board Meetings - Every third Thursday
- Research & Exhibit Committee – Every Thursday
- Landscape Committee - Monthly meetings during the winter
- Newsletter & Publicity – Bi annual Newsletter
- Program & Special Events Committee – As needed for, Quarterly Sunday afternoon informational programs
- Store Committee – As needed no regular schedule
- Budget, Fundraising, Grants Committee – Quarterly
- Heritage Center and Settlement Buildings – Bi Monthly meeting
- Nature Committee – On going with formal quarterly meetings
Icelandic State Park
13571 Hwy S
Cavalier, ND 58220
Project History
- 1964 – Gunlogson family donated land and farmstead to North Dakota Parks & Recreation.
- 1986 – Organization formed.
- 1989 – Pioneer Heritage Center building completed and turned over to Icelandic State Park.
- 1990 – Interpretive display installed in the Pioneer Heritage Center.
- 1989 – Fundraise and endowment in place for Cranley School.
- 1990 – Cranley one room school house moved to the park.
- 1992 – Cranley school fully restored and dedicated as a country school representing all school houses in the area.
- 1992 - Fundraise and endowment in place for Akra Hall.
- 1993 – Akra Hall moved to the park.
- 1994 – Akra Hall fully restored and dedicated as a community hall.
- 1994 - Fundraise and endowment in place for Hallson Church.
- 1994- Hallson Church moved to the park.
- 1995 – Restoration of the Hallson Church began.
- 1997 – Hallson Church fully restored and dedicate as a pioneer church representing all denominations.
- 1997 - Fundraise and endowment in place for Log Cabin.
- 1997 – Log Cabin erected on site.
- 1998 – Log Cabin loft and roof completed.
- 2000 - Log Cabin dedication.
- 2008 – Ground breaking for Pioneer Center expansion.
- 2009 – Gunlogson Farmstead dedicated on the National Registry of Historic Places.
- 2009 – Pioneer Heritage Center expansion completed.
- 2009 – Current – Fundraising and development of Natural History Interactive displays for the Pioneer Heritage Center expansion.