Campground Host Program
Retired? Summers free? Consider volunteering to work in a North Dakota State Park as a Campground Host. In exchange for working a one to three month period, hosts receive free, full-service camping for the duration of their stay.
If you are interested in participating in the Campground host program or would like more information, please contact Adriann Ehlis at (701) 328-535 or
Campground Host Duties
Campground host duties vary depending on park needs. They may include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Welcome campers into the park
- Provide information on park facilities and services, the surrounding area, and North Dakota in general
- Assist campers in setting up when necessary
- Assist in the promotion of park activities and special events
- Relay visitor comments and concerns to appropriate park staff members
- Police campground for litter
- Sell firewood during designated hours
- Notify a park ranger upon viewing a violation of park regulations or a safety hazard
- Check comfort station and vault toilets and contact staff about cleaning needs, mechanical problems or any deficiencies
- Hosts may be asked to assist park staff members in planning, organizing, and carrying out special park events, projects, and interpretive programs
For further information about requirements and available time slots please contact Adriann Ehlis at (701) 328-535 or
Volunteer Materials
- Volunteer Application
- COVID-19 guidance for volunteers information sheet
- Standard opperating procedures for volunteers