Sunday, November 1, 2020 at 11:00 pm

Categories: All, Master Plans, News


Mark your calendars!

The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department is developing a master plan for Lewis & Clark State Park. The Department values the opinion of its citizens and park users and wants to get feedback and thoughts.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Categories: All, News

The North Dakota Parks & Recreation Department received 17 Recreation Trails Program (RTP) grant applications totaling $1,595,553.82 in project fund requests in the last grant round. The RTP grant program was allocated approximately $1 million for the fiscal year 2020 through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to award across the state. The RTP Advisory Committee ranked and selected 13 of the 17 projects that were allocated funding this year. Grants Coordinator Char Binstock noted this is the largest number of projects that have been funded through this program in one fiscal year.  

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Categories: All, News

The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department (NDPRD) is seeking applicants for the Recreational Trails Program Advisory Committee (RTPAC).  The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is an 80/20 matching grant program that provides funding for motorized and non-motorized recreational trail projects.  The RTP is administered at the state level through the NDPRD and federally through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

Monday, October 12, 2020

Categories: All, News

The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department (NDPRD) is soliciting preliminary applications for the FY20 Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) through October 29, 2020.  The purpose for a preliminary application is for eligible grant sponsors to outline potential projects and have them reviewed by NDPRD before the full application process which will open on November 2, 2020. Application can be found here!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Categories: News

A new, expanded volunteer program through the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department now offers individuals and groups the opportunity to volunteer their time and talents to impact our state parks. Whether you're interested in helping with vehicle or trail maintenance projects or volunteering in the visitor center, a meaningful volunteer experience can be tailored to your special skill set. The program's goal is to cultivate partnerships between community members and park staff as they work together for the betterment of their parks and individual and community well-being.  

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Categories: All, News

The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department is holding a free off-highway vehicle (OHV) youth safety course near Grand Forks at Turtle River State Park on Thursday, August 20, at 10:00 am.  Learn more here

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Categories: All, News

The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department is holding a free off-highway vehicle (OHV) youth safety course in Dickinson at the Stark County Fairgrounds on Wednesday, August 5, at 10:00.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Categories: All

Meeting Notice:

August 5th - 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Meeting Link: RTP Meeting

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Categories: All, News

The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department is holding an off-highway vehicle (OHV) youth safety course in Bismarck at the Missouri Valley Fairground Complex on Thursday, July 23, at 10:00 am.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Categories: All, News

The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Advisory Committee (RTPAC) will have a pre-application virtual meeting on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, at 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm to discuss the recent RTP application round and Title VI. RTPAC Board Members, RTP Applicants, and the public are welcome to join for an overview of the program. Until further notice, all meetings will be held virtually through a Live Microsoft Teams Meeting. The live stream and video recordings will be available at