
Many North Dakota state park locations feature educational events year-round in addition to themed weekend activities during the summer months. Events range from guided hikes and demonstrations to evening amphitheater programs. Interpretive programs and activities are designed for all ages to develop an interest in the outdoors, pique curiosity and instill a deeper appreciation for culture, heritage, nature and outdoor recreation.

Interpretive Programming (summer weekends only)

Most ND state park locations offer thematic weekend education programming. Past programs have included: bird, tree, fossil, rock, and animal identification; nature arts/crafts; butter churning; astronomy topics; historical presentations and many other hands-on activities!  

Check our events page to discover the upcoming weekend programming at a state park near you.

Special Events

Frontier Military Days
Take a step back in time to the 1870s as Fort Stevenson State Park hosts Frontier Military Days. Living history demonstrations of frontier fort life, trader life and much more! Check our events page for dates and more information. 

Living History Garrison
See the return of soldiers from Company B, 6th US Infantry who built, occupied and defended Fort Abraham Lincoln before the arrival of the 7th US Cavalry Regiment. Reenactors will showcase the rigors of frontier garrison life including patrol, guard, fatigue and drill duty. Check our events page for dates and more information! 

Maple Sugaring Day
Discover how maple syrup is made! Fort Stevenson State Park staff will demonstrate how to tap a tree to collect sap and then process it into delicious maple syrup. Learn about the interesting history of maple syrup and the equipment used. Usually held the second Saturday in April but please check our events page for exact dates and more information! 

Sodbuster Days
Come experience a turn of the century farm and homemaking demonstrations at Fort Ransom State Park's semi-annual Sodbuster Days. Enjoy live old-timey music with food and beverages available for purchase. Held in July and September each year. Check our events page for weekend dates and more information! 

Wild Outdoor Women (WOW)
This bi-annual event (February and September) is primarily for ladies over the age of 16 who wish to learn or improve on skills associated with several outdoor recreational activities including snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, spearfishing, winter camping, survival skills, knot tying, fly-fishing and a whole lot more! Check our events page for more information! 

Day Camps
Lake Metigoshe State Park and Turtle River State Park host a series of Youth Day Camps, which focus on environmental education and outdoor recreational skills. Camp schedule and registration details are announced each spring, so watch here more information.

Artist in Residency

The North Dakota Parks & Recreation Department and the North Dakota Council on the Arts partner annually for the Artist in Residency program within the North Dakota State Parks. The Artist in Residency program offers artists the opportunity to stay and work in unique environments where they’ll draw inspiration from a North Dakota State Park, demonstrate their skills and assist park visitors of all ages in discovering their artistic side. Watch for public workshop opportunities to participate! Learn more