End: Sunday, March 28, 2021 - 12:00 pm Categories:
12 Months - 12 Hikes Challenge
The next time frame to complete a qualifying hike opens this Sunday, March 14 and remains open until March 28. A number of the North Dakota state parks are hosting St. Patrick's Day-themed events in the coming weeks, so come wearing your green and get another hike closer to completing the 12 Months-12 Hikes Challenge!
Featured Trail:
Matah "River" Trail at Cross Ranch State Park
This 2.9-mile trail begins at the Visitor Center and loops around the park's main use areas. Along the river, interpretive signs describe the history, wildlife and geology of the area. The Matah Trail Self Guided Loop is the innermost loop covering 1.4 miles and takes up to an hour and a half to hike. Self-guided brochures are available at the trailhead or Visitor Center.